1. Shim’on “Kefa”, a servant and one sent by Yeshua the Messiah, [writing] to those who have obtained a faith just as precious as ours, through the righteousness of our Elohim and of our deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah:
Deliverer: or savior, preserver.
2. [May] favor and shalom be multiplied to [fill] you [to the maximum capacity] in the [firsthand] knowledge of Elohim and of Yeshua the Messiah, our Master!
3. Since His divine power has granted us all things pertaining to life and proper heart-response of devotion through the one who has called us [to his] own honor and virtue--
His: YHWH’s. The one who has called us: Yeshua, through whom YHWH has granted us these things, and to whose stature (but not YHWH’s) we can hope to attain when perfected. Virtue: or moral excellence, perfection—i.e., when the work he began in us is complete (most fully when we reach the next life), we will be “complete men” in a way only Adam (who lost this) and Yeshua have been, because Yeshua shared his merit with us but also is able to share his “spiritual genes” with any who choose to be part of the “new human race”.
4. through whom He has provided promises [so] great and precious to us, in order that through these you might become joint participants in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world order through [the presence of] inordinate desire--
Precious: of exquisite value. Nature: inherent, underlying constitution or makeup originating in YHWH, which Yeshua experienced because he did not separate himself from YHWH by sinning as Adam did. It is a nature in Elohim’s image, but not Elohim itself, else based on this passage, if we consider Yeshua to be part of a “godhead”, we would also have to include anyone joined to him as part of that as well, which is of course unimaginably arrogant, considering where we came from. But this verse tells us that we can participate in the “lower sefirot” (a kabbalistic way of describing YHWH’s characteristics, some of which we can emulate and others of which are reserved for the Creator alone) and thus again begin to demonstrate in the earthly realm the reflection of YHWH that Adam was always meant to exude. Inordinate desire: or lust—but it began with Chawwah’s lust to be equal with Elohim, in which Adam partook and which continued its foothold in the human order until Yeshua defeated it on a grand enough scale to share the victory with any who choose to follow this “law of aerodynamics” which can overcome the “gravity” that had ruled ever since Adam “fell”.
5. indeed, for this very reason, deeply applying all earnestness, [be diligent to] supplement your faith with moral excellence, and your moral excellence with knowledge,
Supplement with: literally, into, as making a balanced mixture, for each of these things is important, but without the countering effect of the others, can easily lead us on fruitless tangents.
6. your knowledge, moreover, with self-mastery, and [supplement your] self-mastery with [patient] endurance, and [your] endurance with devotion,
7. your devotion with brotherly affection, and [your] brotherly affection with [benevolent] commitment.
8. [When] these things are in you and increase [abundantly], they will render [you] neither unprofitable nor fruitless in the knowledge of Yeshua the Messiah, our Master.
While they are all available now that Yeshua has shared his spirit, we often need to focus on each one individually to understand it and incorporate it into our lives. This will maximize the potential the regenerated person can have in this world.
9. For in whomever these things are not present, he is a blind man, short-sighted, having experienced forgetfulness of the purging out of his former errors.
Short-sighted: or of dim vision; from the root from which we get the word “myopic”.
10. So instead, my brothers, be fervent about making your calling and [the outcome of your] being selected solid; indeed, if you practice these things, you will never stumble.
Solid: sure, firm enough to walk on confidently, unshakable, absolutely dependable.
11. In this way indeed the entrance into the age-long Kingdom of our master and deliverer Yeshua the Messiah will be lavishly supplied to you.
Supplied: the term implies plentiful provision sufficient to “outfit all that is needed for a grand objective”.
12. Therefore I will be ready on any occasion to remind you about these things, although you have already come to know them and have been buttressed by the truth that is present [in you].
Be ready: or possibly, from a similar root word, not be negligent; i.e., though you have heard these things before, it is better to hear them too often than to let them slip through the cracks in our memory. Buttressed: the Greek term means propping up something that has begun falling down, so that it is fixed, firmly secure, solidly planted, or set fast so there will be no vacillation.
13. Moreover, I consider it the right [thing to do], for as long as I am [still] in this tent, to stir you up by way of reminder,
Tent: the temporary body which he would eventually have to leave behind, but at that point he would not be able to communicate with this audience any longer, so he is ensuring that he does so while he can:
14. knowing that the laying aside of my temporary dwelling is swiftly impending, as indeed our master Yeshua the Messiah has made clear to me.
See Yochanan 21:8-9.
15. So I, too, will be diligent to produce a lasting reminder so that after my departure you may at all times have something [to hold in your hands],
16. for when we made our master Yeshua the Messiah known to you, we had not followed out cunningly-devised myths; rather, we had been [direct] eyewitnesses of his majesty,
Followed out: coming out completely, while emulating a leader who preceded us. Cunningly: cleverly, in a sophisticated manner. Some indeed, not wanting to be obligated to obey the more difficult aspects of the Glad News, still make the same claim—that these are just fables made up to drive home a point, but not actual history. They are, however, too complex to make up and maintain a consistent story, and are indeed too necessary to not be true. Majesty: with the sense of magnificent splendor—i.e., both his transfiguration (Mat. 17:2) and his resurrection body, with all the different qualities it had, while still remaining physical. (Yochanan 20:19, 26) His students handled this body (Lukas 24:39) and verified that it was real. (1 Yochanan 1:1)
17. since he had received honor and authority from Elohim the Father, a voice having been brought out to him, under the Magnificent Splendor, as follows: “You are My Son, My beloved one; in this one I have taken pleasure!”
Under: subordinate to or under the power of. This “bat kol” (voice from heaven) endorsed Yeshua’s actions and teachings, but for polemic reasons, rabbinic authorities have sometimes carried the caveat in Deut. 18:22 further than they should, as in the case of the story of Rabbi Eliezer (Talmud, Baba Metzia 59).
18. And we heard this voice from heaven on the holy mountain, having been brought [there] with him!
Holy mountain: Could it have been Mt. Sinai? The story is in Matthew 17 and Markos 9.
19. Thus we have the words of the prophets made [even more] certain, to which you would do well to pay close attention, as [you would] to a lamp shining in a dusky place, until that Day has dawned and the illuminating [star] has arisen in your hearts,
20. realizing as of first importance, that no written prophecy is brought about by one’s own private interpretation,
21. nor was any prophecy ever made known [publicly] by the wish[ful thinking] of any human being; rather, humans spoke from Elohim, being carried along under [the authority of] the spirit of holiness.
1. There did indeed come to be pseudo-prophets among the People, just as among you there will be false teachers—those who stealthily introduce destructive opinions of their own choosing, even denying the master who redeemed them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves--
Stealthily: or secretly, due to being close beside you, thus never suspected. Indeed, right from within the trusted Church councils, pagan ideas were brought in and made binding on those who wanted to follow the original teachings of this Torah-observant teacher and his immediate students, of which the author of this letter was one. (See also 3:15-16 below.) But many today, wanting to make the corrective, have gone so far as to write Yeshua out of the picture—which would bring them “out of the frying pan into the fire”!
2. and many will follow their licentious ways, through whom the Way of truth will be maligned.
Licentious: spitefully rejecting restraint and indulging in lawless insolence and even sensuality. I.e., they would think they are exempt from the Torah just because some grace has been granted while we transition back into the covenant. Maligned: or blasphemed, spoken of as evil, ridiculed as mere hypocrisy and thus not taken seriously.
3. And they will greedily exploit you through contrived words, for which the sentence rendered long ago is not delayed, and their destruction is not drifting off to sleep.
Contrived: fabricated, made-up, feigned, “molded” to suit their own purposes.
4. If indeed YHWH did not spare [even] the angels who sinned, but having cast them into the underworld, in chains of gloomy darkness, handed them over for judgment, being kept in custody [in the meantime],
Gloomy darkness: Greek, Tartarus, the prison of the demigods called Titans in Greek lore, which correspond to the Nefilim (“angels who sinned”) of Genesis 6, both preserving the same general history with differing levels of accuracy. 1 Enoch 6-7 and Jubilees 5 give more detail.
5. nor did He spare the ancient world (though He preserved Noakh, one of [only] eight, a preacher of righteousness, when the flood had been brought on those who did not respect what was holy),
Preacher: or herald, proclaimer, but considering his audience, he must have been urging them toward righteous lifestyles rather than proclaiming any good news to them.
6. and, having reduced the cities of S’dom and ‘Amorrah to ashes, He judged them worthy of overthrow [as] an example to those who had set their intent on being impious
Set their intent: having made the decision and were about to carry it out; YHWH gave them this last warning in case they might yet change their minds.
7. (and rescued righteous Lot, who was distressed by the indecent conduct of those who were unrestrained)
Distressed: or, overpowered, i.e., about to be done in by those whom the messengers then blinded. (Gen. 19:9)
8. though they had seen and heard that righteous [one] who had settled among them--day after day his righteous soul was tormented by their lawless actions—
9. [then] the Master knows how to rescue the devout out of temptation, while keeping the unjust restricted until the Day of judgment,
Restricted: docked, impeded from progress, their activity being curtailed or dwarfed, restrained, mainly through punishment.
10. especially indeed those who walk after the flesh in the inordinate lust for defilement, and scorn authority. [They are] presumptuous, self-gratifying, opinionated, not afraid to blaspheme.
Scorn: despise, disregard, and actively insult. Authority: here, being dominated by someone above them in hierarchy. Blaspheme: slowing others’ reputation, refusing to acknowledge those worthy of respect and honor.
11. Whereas angels, though greater in capability and [physical] power, do not advance a slanderous verdict against them from close beside YHWH,
This may be where the aphorism “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” originated.
12. these indeed, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct that have been born into captivity and destruction, by speaking abusively against what they do not understand; they will also be destroyed by their decay.
Destruction: implies rotting away from inside, i.e., from being idle and out of the context of their usual exercise for survival. The last phrase is literally, in their destruction they will be destroyed.
13. They will receive unjust treatment as a repayment for their own injustice. Being led by sensual pleasure and soft luxury in during the daytime, [they are] blotches and blemishes, indulging in their own trickery, while feasting sumptuously together with you,
14. having eyes filled with adultery, and never abandoning sin, luring unstable souls [into a trap], a heart having been exposed as greedy—children [doomed to be] cursed [they are]!
15. Having abandoned the straight path, they have imitated the way of Bilaam, [the son] of Beor, who loved the financial reward of unrighteousness.
The full story behind this is found in Numbers 22-24.
16. Indeed, he had the rebuke for his own violation of the law: a donkey, whose sound [is usually] without meaning, having uttered [words as if] in a human voice, restrained the prophet’s irrational behavior.
Rebuke: both from this (per Num. 22:23ff) and finally, by being slain by Israel in a battle with Midyan (Num. 31:8), apparently by that time having been hired by them as he had by Mo’av.
17. These [people] are springs without water, dimming mists being driven by a hurricane--for whom the [gloomy] murkiness of darkness is reserved--
18. arrogant indeed, speaking empty words. [Using the bait of] indecent lusts of the flesh, they even entice those who are fleeing [and] could have soon [escaped] those who had turned back to [living their lives in] error.
Arrogant: literally, overblown, swollen beyond normal size, like a braggart with an inflated ego who constantly exaggerates. Empty: vain, ineffective, or purposeless. Error: specifically caused by delusion.
19. promising them freedom, [though] themselves being slaves to corruption. Indeed, by whatever anyone is overcome, by that same thing he is enslaved.
Overcome: subdued, defeated, “knuckled under” until he is its inferior. Enslaved: brought into subjection. If we give in to what we think will bring us pleasure, while knowing it is wrong, we will end up serving that thing rather than having it serve us.
20. If indeed you have escaped from the pollutions of the [present] world order, through the knowledge of our Master and Deliverer Yeshua the Messiah, they have again been entangled in these things [and are] subdued, their last [state] has become worse than their original [one].
Original state: what they were before they accepted Yeshua’s rescue. What they are now turning out to be is even worse, but all the more because now they should have known better:
21. It would even have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, once they had known [it], to have turned back from the holy commandment that had been committed to them.
22. Indeed, the proverb has turned out to be true for them: “A dog has turned back to its own vomit, and a sow that was [completely] washed, to her wallowing in filth.”
1. This now, beloved ones, is the second letter I am writing to you, in which by reminder I stir up your sincere way of thinking
The Aramaic text adds, “It has been a long time since I wrote…in both of them I have endeavored to stir up…”
2. that you may have recalled to your minds the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets, and [of] a command of the master and deliverer [given] through us, the envoys:
3. Knowing this first, that in the latter days, scoffers will come, following after their own lusts,
Following after: a direct allusion to Num. 15:39, where YHWH warns us not to let our hearts lead us astray.
4. and saying, “Where is this promised coming of his? Because ever since the patriarchs fell asleep, everything has stayed the same as [it had been] since the beginning of creation!”
This may be occurring right now. The year 2,000 has come and gone, and thus the seventh millennium (see note on verse 8) appears to have begun already, yet where is the Kingdom? So people are surmising that they must reinterpret all the expectations to something more naturalistic; maybe Yeshua was just an ordinary rabbi who had some great teachings, but died like everyone else and his return is only through the people he influenced and their making the world a better place in whatever small ways they can. But what if he gave us a clue in one of his parables that the bridegroom would indeed delay? (Mat. 25:5) Maybe it is a test! (Another reason is given in verse 9.) The principle of Maimonides, repeated in the Rosh haShanah liturgy (which is a rehearsal of the resurrection and gathering together of those still alive in Messiah), that “though he may tarry, I will wait daily for his coming”, which has sustained so many in the tribe of Yehudah, may also need to sustain the rest of the tribes while we, too, await his coming.
5. Because they are willingly ignorant of this: that the heavens existed from ancient times, and the earth held together by water and through water by the word of Elohim,
Willingly: or, wishfully—i.e., their wishful thinking has led them to not even want to look into whether what they have just said is really the case. It literally says this is hidden from them because they want it to be. They are agnostic, but not because there is no way to know. They don’t even search for evidence that things might have once been different. But the evidence is there if one really wants to know. Scientists do exist who believe this and who have shown clear evidence that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth simultaneously and that a huge flood lay down layer after layer of sediment around a single tree—which would clearly have rotted away if it had taken millions of years to do. There is evidence of polar shifts and changes in the length of the year, caused by catastrophes of, dare we say, biblical proportions, game-changers that created new norms and accomplished results as big as the Exodus. Held together: or, standing in the water and out of the water. An ice shield that “held” the atmosphere close to the earth with a greenhouse-like climate as well as pockets of subterranean water appear to have broken up (Gen. 7:11) by an astronomical event that resulted in the current climatic patterns. His point is, things were not always the way they are now. But, ignoring this, they cannot imagine how anything so big could ever occur again, when it is waiting right around the corner.
6. by which the world [which existed] at that time was destroyed, being overwhelmed by water,
By which: Aramaic, “and those men, because of whose deeds the world…perished” (speaking more of the people than the world). Overwhelmed: the verb form of “cataclysm”. This, of course, refers to the Noachian deluge.
7. but the heavens and earth that now [exist] through the same word are reserved for fire, stored up for a day of judgment and utter destruction of irreverent human beings.
Aramaic: “the present heavens and earth are sustained by His word…” Stored up: and carefully watched and guarded; there is no accident involved in any of this.
8. Don’t let this one thing escape you, beloved ones, that with Elohim, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are just like one day.
Escape: literally, be hidden from. This idea, based on Psalm 90:4, led to a Jewish teaching that the present age is to last 7,000 years—a “week” of such days—with the fifth and sixth being “with Messiah” and the last being a Sabbath of peace and rest for the whole creation.
9. Elohim is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness, but is patient toward us, not wanting anyone to perish, but [wanting] to leave room for all to change their ways.
Slack: or slow, dull, retarded, loitering; Aramaic: negligent. Promise: or, announced message. Patient: literally, long-suffering, or slow to become inflamed. Change their ways: turn around or repent.
10. But the Day of YHWH will come [upon them] just like a thief in the night, in which the skies will pass away with a loud [rushing] sound and the elements will dissolve with fervent heat. The earth also, with all the works in it will be consumed by fire.
Pass away: the Aramaic adds “suddenly”. Works: accomplishments, undertakings, enterprises, or industrial products–as in “works of art” or “workmanship”.
11. Since all these [things] will be dissolved, what kind [of people] should you be, with holy behavior and reverent conduct,
What kind: certainly not materialistic! Our priorities would be to clarify the message that YHWH has accomplished redemption of the exiled Israelites and is calling all men everywhere to repent. (Acts 17:30) Other rewards can wait until we get past the conflagration, when they will be more secure anyway. (v. 13 and Mat. 6:19-20) Reverent: not flippant, taking YHWH’s patience as lenience.
12. expecting and hastening the arrival of the Day of YHWH (in which the skies will be dissolved by fire and the elements melted by fervent fire)?
Expecting: watching for. Hastening: if we accomplish the repair of the world as quickly as we possibly can, we might be able to shorten the waiting time; Aramaic: longing for. Skies: the Aramaic adds “being tested with fire”.
13. Moreover, according to His promise, we wait with expectation of a new sky and a new earth, in which integrity is at home.
At home: or pervasively present.
14. On account [of this], beloved, since you expect such things, be diligent to be found by Him [to be] complete, spotless, and unworthy of blame.
Since you expect: Aramaic, while you look (or wait) for. Complete: or tranquil, but based on the Hebrew concept of shalom—peace but also having no “loose ends”, all debts having been repaid. Spotless: or irreproachable. Blame: censure or reproach—like Dani’el, having nothing to find fault with. Together these are an allusion to the kind of offering YHWH said He wanted. (Ex. 12:5; Lev. 22:21; Num. 28:3, et al)
15. And consider YHWH’s patience to be salvation, just as our beloved brother Paulus has written to you according to the wisdom granted to him,
16. as [he]spoke of these things in all his letters, in which there are some hard-to-understand things, which unlearned and unstable [people] twist, as they do to the rest of the writings, to their own ruin.
Twist: wrest from their context or pervert by misconstruing—and if it was occurring then, how much more has it been the case since the Church interpreted him to be saying the Torah was done away with. Unlearned: because they do not read his mystical statements in a Hebraic sense, therefore confusing them with some pagan ideas because they may use some similar terminology.
17. This being the case, you, beloved, [since you are] aware of these things in advance, be on guard lest you, too, be carried away by the erroneous thinking of those who break through restraints [to gratify their own lusts] and fall from your own place of stability.
Those who break through restraints: Aramaic: lawless (i.e., living as if the Torah’s constraints do not apply to them).
18. Rather, increase in favor and in the knowledge of our master and deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. To him be preeminence both now and into the eternal age. So may it be indeed!
Preeminence: or magnificent honor; from a Hebraic perspective, authority.